Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cataract Surgery after Stroke?

Question: My dad needs cataract surgery but had a stroke last year and is partially paralyzed. Is he a candidate for cataract surgery?

Answer: Having a stroke does not preclude one from having successful and beneficial Cataract Surgery, even with partial paralysis, but it does require some careful consideration. If the stroke was limited to areas of the brain that caused solely motor paralysis there is usually no problem whatsoever as long as your dad has generally stable health otherwise. If there has also been damage to sensory areas of the brain-specifically the visual cortex-and there is a visual field defect, it should be determined whether the area of the brain responsible for central vision perception from the macula of the retina is intact. If it is not intact, Cataract Surgery may not restore the level of vision to a satisfactory level and may lead to unmet expectations. A consultation with a top Cataract Surgeon in concert with your dad's neurologist should be able to determine this prior to making a recommendation for surgery.

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information in the Ask Cataract Surgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com is not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery of Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com is not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist and Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any other means is not a substitute for medical care.

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