Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Multifocal Lens Implant Vision Problems

Question: After having multifocal lens implants, I have noticed that I do not see clearly and I feel like I am underwater. The cataract surgeon informed me that with this type of lens, water gets in-between the lens. I can see best when I am in bright light and if I am in a situation that is dark, I need a flashlight such as for a restaurant menu. Are there any kind of drops that might help this situation or do I just have to live with the problem?
Answer: While is difficult to identify the cause of the vision problem with your Multifocal Lens Implants, there are some things that you should know and consider. First, there is "no water in between the lens". What you are describing are most likely symptoms of reduced contrast sensitivity produced by the multifocal lens implants as well as perhaps some aging effects of the Macula, or center of the Retina-which will actually compound the reduced contrast produced by the Lens Implant. Multifocal Lens Implants are very complex lens optical designs and some-more than others-do in fact result in a reduction in contrast sensitivity. In addition, the normal aging process of the Retina and Macula also cause a reduction in contrast sensitivity. Further, certain Multifocal Lens Implants also require absolutely perfect positioning and centration or they result in reduced contrast sensitivity. So, as you can see there are a number of variables here that can contribute individually or interactively in causing symptoms of reduced contrast. Your Cataract Surgeon should be able to evaluate each of these items and advise you as to whether the Multifocal Lens Implants you have are as good as they get or whether you might wish to have them removed and replaced with lens Implants that will not impact contrast but also might not offer you the near vision correction. This requires careful examination, discussion and consultation and may require that you get a second opinion from other Cataract Surgeons in your area.
Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information in the Ask Cataract Surgeons section on is not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery or Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of is not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist and Cataract Surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any other means is not a substitute for medical care.

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