Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pressure on Eye after Cataract Surgery

Question: What damage might be caused by putting pressure on eyeball two days after cataract surgery? A misplaced lens or retinal tear have been ruled out by examination. But the image is blurred especially at a distance and there are ghost images and even double vision in that eye.

Answer: While it is simply impossible to tell without a thorough examination, there could be an almost limitless number of remote possibilities that could occur. If there has been a "pressure" related event that causes any type of inflammation with or without associated swelling of the Macula, it could cause Cystoid Macular Edema which occurs in a small number of patients after Cataract Surgery. Likewise, if there is residual induced corneal edema this too could cause these symptoms. Further, and very unlikely there could have been damage to the posterior capsule, intentionally left in place to support the Lens Implant, causing it to prematurely fibrose leading to symptoms like these. However, these are purely conjecture as there are many possibilities that can only be determined with a careful examination by your Cataract Surgeon.

Important Note: The information presented on the About Cataract Surgery Blog or provided in response to a request for information in the Ask Cataract Surgeons section on aboutcataractsurgery.com is not intended to diagnose or treat eye problems, eye conditions or eye diseases including appropriateness of treatment, risks, complications or side effects as related to Cataracts, Cataract Surgery of Lens Implants. In particular a response to an inquiry made on the Ask Cataract Surgeons section of aboutcataractsurgery.com is not meant to take the place of the professional medical care provided by your eye doctor, ophthalmologist and Cataract Surgeon surgeon. Contacting us via e-mail or any other means is not a substitute for medical care.

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